As long as blinking a led is a fairly simple task. Arduino Library is very handy and can really improve the speed of development of a new projects, making your idea real & tangible. Something similar in C would be useful. At this moment one may ask - why to create a new library, when there are already plenty of those available and ready to use ? Well, thinking like that, we may ask ourselves straight away why to even bother and play with an 8-bit machine when there is so powerful and cheap stuff available out there at the moment everywhere nearly ? The answers for both are short and straight forward: Because we can and it's fun Because we want to learn something Because we want to create some real, useful stuff Another reason to create a library is to have some basic tool set which will be absolutely essential in most of any further developments. First thing which will need in this tool set is a proper (by proper I mean - timer/interrupt based) delay function. I hav...
Blog dedicated to popularize development for Arduino boards in pure C