I would like to share my project with you. It's an RTC clock with thermometer powered by atmega328p. Clock, displaying current time, date & day of week. It took me a while to finish this project since I wanted to polish the software. I wanted to implement a couple of features which will make my clock more interesting than any other similar device like that build before. I'll try to go through all the details now so, if you find this project interesting you can build it yourself (everything. including the software, is available for free). Hardware The hardware itself is pretty simple. I used a ds18b20 digital One-Wire temperature sensor as a thermometer, a DS1307 RTC module which comes with a battery and a classic hd44780 LCD 16x2 display. Everything is pretty generic in that matter. There's a diode as well used to indicate that the clock is running and a couple of buttons. Besides that I use a couple of transistors in order to be able to control the LCD'...
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