While playing around with Arduino and Nokia LCD Screen I've decided to create some simple game. Obviously there's nothing simpler than tic-tac-toe. The game itself is trivial, everyone knows it so it should be pretty simple to learn the machine to be a good opponent. Yeah... Of, course I could write something really simple, like a translation table, in a sense that if player made a move A, then computer should do a move B... and describe all of the possible situations or "strategies". But that would be pretty primitive and not very appealing, wouldn't it ? Instead the obvious choice is to implement the MiniMax algorithm for this game. Of course, there a dozens of great articles available describing the basics and fundamentals of MiniMax and especially in tic-tac-toe context so, I'm not going to go into details regarding how it works. Instead I would like you to have a look on any of the links bellow to get at least some essentials: http://beej.us/bl...
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